About Amanda

Amanda Wilson Carter
Amanda majored in wildlife sciences with a minor in biology in the College of Natural Resources. She joined the Hopkins lab in the spring of 2009 working on a project examining the effects of dietary mercury on wood frogs. The following summer, as a FLeDGE participant, she assisted the wood duck project studying the effects of incubation temperature on stress hormones and locomotion.
Amanda began preparing for her senior thesis in the fall of 2009. Her thesis examined the trade offs between wound healing and thermoregulation mediated by incubation temperature in wood duck (Aix sponsa) ducklings.
Amanda graduated in the spring of 2011 and began working as a post-baccalaureate research fellow in the Hopkins lab. Her focus was wildlife physiology, particularly the endocrine system, maternal effects and temperature-dependent sex determination.
In 2012, Amanda accepted a PhD position with Dr. Rachel Bowden at Illinois State University.
Email address: afwilso@IllinoisState.edu
Amanda’s CV (Sept 2011)
Published Work
Carter, A. W., S.E. DuRant, G.R. Hepp, W.A. Hopkins. In press. Thermal challenge severity differentially influences wound healing in wood duck (Aix sponsa) ducklings. Journal of Experimental Zoology: Part A.
Hawley, D., DuRant, S., Wilson, A., Adelman, J., Hopkins, W. 2012. Additive metabolic costs of thermoregulation and pathogen infection. Functional Ecology 26:701-710.
DuRant, S.E., Hopkins, W.A., Wilson, A.F., Hepp, G.R. 2012. Incubation temperature affects the metabolic cost of thermoregulation in a young precocial bird. Functional Ecology 26:416-422.